Draw With Tash : Porbeagle

Draw With Tash : Porbeagle

It's time for #DrawWithTash!⁠⁠
This week's prompt was the porbeagle shark. Porbeagles come from the mackerel shark family and are recognizable by their cone shaped nose and chubby bodies.⁠⁠
They're a wide ranging shark species, found in the North Atlantic (including around the UK!) and also in the southern hemisphere. Though the North Atlantic porbeagles grow larger (up to 1.5-2 metres long and 135kg/300lbs) the ones found in the southern hemisphere live longer (up to 65 years!).⁠⁠
Sadly porbeagles are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN with their population decreasing. They are often targeted by sport fishers due to their size and can get caught as bycatch in gillnets. Their meat is also highly prized by fisheries and that combined with their slow reproductive rate (they only give birth to up to 5 pups at one time) is leading to their decline.⁠⁠
Pop me your favourite ocean emoji in the comments if you learnt something new about porbeagle sharks!⁠⁠