Happy International Tiger Day!
Tigers are one of my all time favourite animals (so much so that when I was a kid I had a hat that had tiger ears!). Being born in the Year Of The Tiger my family always spoke about how my temper was like a tigers (though to be fair I’m pretty happy being compared to a tigress cause they can definitely hold their own!) I’m sure everyone knows the basic facts about tigers so I looked up 5 unusual ones for you all to enjoy!
1 - tiger urine smells like buttered popcorn!
2 - the markings on a tigers forehead are similar to the Chinese character for “king”
3 - markings on a tiger show on their skin (like house cats!) so if you shaved a tiger you’d still see it’s stripes
4 - tigers can’t purr so show their comfort and safety by squinting or closing their eyes
5 - their saliva contains an antiseptic so they lick their wounds to clean and disinfect them