March Meet The Maker : Style & Beliefs/Values

March Meet The Maker : Style & Beliefs/Values

Days 2 & 3 of 
#MarchMeetTheMaker (yep, I’m already behind 🙈) is “style” and “beliefs and values”.

I think it’s no secret that I am a big believer in helping wildlife whenever possible. Giving back to conservation is a core value of my business and it means so much to me that we are able to help in whatever way we can - especially during the pandemic when vital research still needs funding.

A few other values of mine are trying to use UK based businesses where possible (I only have one supplier who’s not UK based) and using eco friendly materials whenever I can. I also only make limited edition collections to minimise waste both for myself and my suppliers.

In terms of style it took me a really long time to find my “style” as it were. I tend to use a huge range of colours but I like to use clear line work to bring everything together. I’m slowly experimenting with shading, blending and different textures in my illustrations but I do love a lovely flat, matte finish.