Meet The Maker Week Day 2

Meet The Maker Week Day 2

Day 2 of #MeetTheMakerWeek and today’s prompt is pivot (PIVOT!! Anyone else doing their best Ross impression whilst they read that? Just me? Nevermind then 😆)

I don’t think I’ve really pivoted my business much this year. I’m still passionate about raising funds for wildlife conservation and painting endangered animals. The biggest change has been more in my mindset. My small business has always been a little bit of extra cash for us because Mr H’s job took care of all our monthly bills but when he was put on furlough back in March (8 long months ago!) the money I made suddenly became the money we relied on for our weekly grocery shop and putting away into our savings to pay our annual gas and electric bills which we’ve been able to do thanks to all your support this year (honestly I couldn’t have done it without you all here cheering me on!).

Has your mindset pivoted this year at all?