Moving Studios

Moving Studios

2019 kicked off with a bang for me as I spoke to my husband about moving me out of my small box studio into our larger store room and he agreed!

So for the past week I have been dusting, sorting, clearing out space in every corner of our flat. In our 554sqft flat storage is very much at a premium so moving one bit of the house around very much affects everything else in the house too! So big changes like this is something we discuss a lot before it starts because it does really mean our lives get a bit disrupted until we can move everything back in the house! But I was definitely outgrowing my little pink studio and could barely walk on the floor without tripping over boxes of stock!

I never took a lot of photos of the floor because it was always a mess!

During the first week of Jan I also watched Netflix's Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and I loved how she suggested to some of the couples to have a vision of how they wanted their house to fit into their lives and to view every object with the mindset of "how does this fit into my vision for my life and home". This helped me a lot when I was tidying up our junk room and found objects I forgot we even had! 

After all the cleaning we remembered that our "store" room had actually been presented to us as a home office when we viewed the house. So it felt a little like fate! It was definitely a good thing we cleared it out too as we found some little entrances that mice had been using to come into our flat! So with them all blocked up we repainted the walls white (I wanted a bright, clean place that made me happy to work in) and got onto Ikea and ordered some new furniture and we ended up with a studio that looks like this! 

All my furniture from my last studio is being reused in much better ways. My old desk is now a standing desk for a packing and printing station! Which is probably my most favourite thing. My pegboard is back (of course!) but a lot less cluttered and with things a lot clearer (because I'm not the only one who uses the tape and scissors and it bugs me when my husband doesn't know which peg to hang things back on!).
We also invested in some cubbyhole shelving which stores all of my printing and packing supplies and has lots of space for me to hold stock. 

My desk is now a lot cleaner and I'm going to try to keep it this way. I find that I am the most productive when I'm not being distracted by other things! 

All in all it's taken a little over a week to clear out, repaint, clean and move everything into their new places. It's been a lot of long days and a lot of labour but it's also definitely been a labour of love! And I have to say, it feels so good to have it done and to have this gorgeous space to work in now!

Happy Tash!