All orders made from Dec 16th 2024 will be shipped in January 2025. Thank you for all your support!
My Shark Week!

My Shark Week!

I’ve had the most wonderful two days off and now I’m back, throwing myself headlong into my self imposed shark week! Cause I have SO much still to do for this zine it’s honestly a little insane.

But seeing the sharks at @sea_life_london yesterday reminded me about why I’m doing this. Seeing these gorgeous and misunderstood animals doing absolutely nothing but swim around, and yet still scaring kids and adults alike because of the misconception that they’re nothing but cold blooded killers. I really hope that when people pick up my finished shark zine (whenever that happens 😂) that they’ll learn something new about sharks they didn’t know before, and maybe even come to love and respect them as much as I do. 🦈

Are you a shark lover or afraid of them? Zero judgement, cause after all I can’t be in the same rooms as spiders most times!