To Do Lists and Bookmarks Launching Soon!
🎉Shop update!🎉
Ok I am so VERY excited about this shop update cause it includes BOOKMARKS! Genuinely bookmarks are one of my favourite things (as the overflowing tin of them on my bookshelf shows) so I’m over the moon that I’ve designed my first ones.
AND I’ve designed my first to do list too! It’s so hard to capture in the photo but there are little checkboxes on each line so you can tick all your tasks off and be oh so satisfied!! There’s nothing better than ticking off your to do list, right?
Ok I am so VERY excited about this shop update cause it includes BOOKMARKS! Genuinely bookmarks are one of my favourite things (as the overflowing tin of them on my bookshelf shows) so I’m over the moon that I’ve designed my first ones.
AND I’ve designed my first to do list too! It’s so hard to capture in the photo but there are little checkboxes on each line so you can tick all your tasks off and be oh so satisfied!! There’s nothing better than ticking off your to do list, right?